Department of Justice & Border Control


Protecting Nauru through financial intelligence
The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) is a statutory body whose existence and mandate are continued by the Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions Act 2023 (Act).


FIU is set up within the Department of Justice and Border Control and is responsible for performing its functions under the Act.
These functions include the following:
  1. enforcing the Act;
  2. supervising the compliance of reporting entities with the Act;
  3. receiving and analysing suspicious activity reports and other information available to it, whether by any means or under any law, in order to identify activity that may constitute or may relate to a financial crime or criminal conduct and to carry out any further investigations it considers necessary;
  4. disseminating information derived from analysis and reports of information received to domestic and foreign law enforcement bodies or foreign intelligence bodies;
  5. enquiring into conduct that constitutes as or relates to financial crime or is suspected to do so;
  6. conducting related inquiries, investigations, analysis and oversight;
  7. identifying, analysing and assessing on an ongoing basis financial crime trends, patterns and risks of relevance to the Republic, including in relation to new technologies, business practices and products;
  8. coordinating with supervisory authorities and other authorities in the Republic that have a role in combatting financial crime or criminal conduct;
  9. engaging in an arrangement, understanding or any mutual cooperation with similar foreign entities in other countries or international bodies on matters relating to financial crime or criminal conduct;
  10. commencing proceedings in any court established in the Republic for the purposes of enforcing any part of the Act or any other written law, in the performance of its functions;
  11. ensuring that reporting entities, supervisory authorities, other competent authorities and the public at large are adequately informed about the trends, patterns and risks of financial crime and the appropriate responses;
  12. performing other functions which may be given to the FIU by any written law, the Cabinet or the Minister.


Nauru has undergone its Mutual Evaluation (ME). The ME is a peer review process that measures Nauru’s compliance and effectiveness against the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations on Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing.
In preparation for the ME, FIU worked closely with the Office of the Legislative Drafter on the drafting of new laws and the amendment of existing laws. Technical assistance was also provided by the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APGML) on the drafting and amendment of laws. This was done in accordance with the requirements of the FATF Recommendations to ensure that Nauru has legislation that meet international standards.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions Act 2023
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Record Keeping) Regulations 2023
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Suspicious Activity Report) Regulations 2023
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing) Regulations 2023
  • Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2023
  • Proceeds of Crime (Border Declaration Form) Regulations 2023
  • Proceeds of Crime (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2023
  • Trusts (Trustee Duties) Regulations 2023
  • Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime (Amendment of the Schedule) Regulations 2023
  • Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime (Targeted Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2023
  • Beneficial Ownership (Identity and Declaration) Regulations 2023
  • Business Licences (Non-Operational Businesses Record Keeping) Regulations 2023
  • Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Regulations 2023

Directions and SOP

Nauru FIU – Standard Operation Procedures

SOP Directions 2023

SOP Directions 2018


Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions Act 2023
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Record Keeping) Regulations 2023
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Suspicious Activity Report) Regulations 2023
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation Financing) Regulations 2023​
Proceeds of Crime Act 2004

Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2023

Proceeds of Crime (Border Declaration Form) Regulations 2023

Proceeds of Crime (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2023

Trusts (Trustee Duties) Regulations 2023
Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime (Amendment of the Schedule) Regulations 2023
Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime (Targeted Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2023
Beneficial Ownership (Identity and Declaration) Regulations 2023
Business Licences (Non-Operational Businesses Record Keeping) Regulations 2023

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Regulations 2023


Update on Nauru’s Mutual Evaluation
National Strategy for Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism

Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Fit and Proper Person) Criteria 2023

Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Simplified Due Diligence) Guide 2023

Suspicious Activity Report Form
Border Declaration Form

Nauru Virtual Asset Service Provider Policy

Cash Border Regulation Framework Guide

Registration and Licensing of Businesses, Partnerships, Corporations, Associations, Trusts, Private Security Information Sheet

Beneficial Ownership Guide

Non-Government or Non-Profit Organisation Best Practice Guide

United Nations Security Council Consolidated List

Designated Non-Financial Business and Professions Customer Due Diligence Guideline

Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (High Risk Countries) Guideline 2023

Nauru’s Anti-Money Laundering and Proliferation Financing National Risk Assessment 2023
Strategic Analysis 2021 to 2023

Nauru Targeted Financial Sanctions Terrorism and Proliferation Financing Guide

Extradition Guide
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Guide

Nauru Maritime Administration – click here for the website


Rajas Swamy


Bernard Grundler

Assistant Supervisor

Roqous Aingimea



Financial Intelligence Unit
Department of Justice and Border Control
Ground Floor
Government Building
Yaren District
Republic of Nauru
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