Department of Justice & Border Control



Published on 13-08-2024

Fraudulent claim to provide financial services in Nauru


Published on 14-06-2024

Republic v Randy Doguape & Ors [Cr No: 13/24] – DC

Date: 03/06/24 before RM Sharma

Counsels: M Suifa’asia (ODPP) and R Tagivakatini (PLD)

Charge: Unlawful Possession of Illicit Drugs

Purpose: Sentence

Minutes: Sentence read out

Outcome: Final Sentence:
1st Accused – conviction recorded, $1,500 fine. 4 months’ community service. 1 year probation.
2nd Accused – conviction recorded, $1,500 fine. 3 months’ community service. 1 year probation.
3rd Accused – no conviction recorded, $200 fine. 1 month community service. 1 year probation.
In default of fine or community service, 6 months imprisonment.

Republic v Randy Doguape & Ors [Cr No: 13/24] – DC – Sentence Ruling


Published on 06-12-2023

Republic v BR [Cr No: 03/24] – Supreme Court

Date: 26/04/24 before J Keteca

Counsels: A Driu (DPP) and R Tagivakatini (PLD)

Charge: Indecent Acts in Relation to a Child under 16 Years Old

Purpose: Sentence

Minutes: Sentence read out

Outcome: No conviction recorded. 3 years’ probation. BR to report to the Chief Probation Officer, who shall set out probation conditions. The Chief Probation Officer is to approve where BR stays and help him enrol again in school. BR is to be on good behaviour and any breach may result in the re-sentencing of this offence.

Republic v BR (03 of 24) – Sentence Ruling

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2022 - 2023
Annual Report 2018 - 2019
Annual Report 2021 - 2022
Annual Report 2017 - 2018
Annual Report 2020 - 2021
Annual Report 2016 - 2017
Annual Report 2019 - 2020
Annual Report 2015

Guidelines & Other Publications

Legislative Drafting Manual
Update on Nauru’s Mutual Evaluation
National Strategy for Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Fit and Proper Person) Criteria 2023
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (Simplified Due Diligence) Guide 2023
Suspicious Activity Report Form
Border Declaration Form
Nauru Virtual Asset Service Provider Policy
Cash Border Regulation Framework Guide
Registration and Licensing of Businesses, Partnerships, Corporations, Associations, Trusts, Private Security Information Sheet
Beneficial Ownership Guide
Non-Government or Non-Profit Organisation Best Practice Guide
United Nations Security Council Consolidated List
Designated Non-Financial Business and Professions Customer Due Diligence Guideline
Anti-Money Laundering and Targeted Financial Sanctions (High Risk Countries) Guideline 2023
Nauru’s Anti-Money Laundering and Proliferation Financing National Risk Assessment 2023
Strategic Analysis 2021 to 2023
Nauru Targeted Financial Sanctions Terrorism and Proliferation Financing Guide
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